Del. David B. Albo (R-Fairfax) agreed that legislators have, on occasion, pushed the bounds of constitutionality but that they are properly representing their constituents. "The problem is that our job is to promote policy, and the Supreme Court's job is to analyze," said Albo, one of a declining number of lawyers in the General Assembly. "I can't be hamstrung to write the wimpiest bill possible to make sure it passes a Supreme Court opinion."
Good point, Dave! I mean, why be "wimpy" when it's so much more fun to trample all over George Mason's and Thomas Jefferson's constitution? Anyway, as we all know, Dave Albo is a far greater intellect than George Mason and Thomas Jefferson, so of course we should defer to him on such matters. Like with the abusive driving fees, for instance, I'm so glad that a citizen didn't start a petition that ended up getting around 178,000 signatures and the repeal of Albo's brilliant, albeit constitutional, idea. Ha. :)