A Voter's Checklist

By: Tiderion
Published On: 9/16/2008 10:18:14 PM

I found this comment was quite compelling, borrowed from here:

Dear concerned citizens of America and Mass Media of the U.S.A.

As a concerned registered independent voter, forensic psychiatrist, disabled American I made my decision to vote after taking into consideration following joint tickets attributes and characteristics.

1. Has the ticket shown adequate calmness, coolness, and connectedness under pressure to lead our nation [Presidential Temperament]?

2. Has the ticket shown sustained sound "Judgment and Caliber"?

3. Has the ticket shown adequate understanding of depth and degree to address the crucial challenges in their their purpose, policies, and positions [Honesty, integrity and sincerity]?

4. Has the ticket sufficient "understanding and knowledge" of inside Washington workings [Experience]"?

5. Has the ticket reservoir resilience, wisdom, and vigor to address the present and future of our beloved "Great-grand Nation"?

6. Has the ticket enough joint foreign policy experience and exposure based on "Values, Virtues, and Vastness [American moral soul]"?

7. Has their campaign talk, slogans, ads, plans, and programs based on facts and are they free of fear, fiction, frivolous labels, unfair attacks, negativity, and impulsively? [No "imminent danger to national
security and safety"].

8. Has the ticket genuinely kept on message of country first and politics last and avoided copying [Message change"]?

9.Has the ticket message stayed away from Culture divide and war [Disaster prevention]?

10. Has the ticket resisted being surrounded, supported and surrogate's by divisiveness, distortion's, and destructive characters, [Real patriotism VS shiftiness and shameless parrot-ism]?

I have personally and professionally concluded that OBAMA-BIDEN ticket will lift and inspire our greatgrand nation back to its greatness within and restore our global standing with the use of maximum, firm international diplomacy and minimal force if and when indicated ["Peace through Strength"].

Yours sincerely,

COL. A.M. Khajawall [Ret.] MD.
Forensic psychiatrist, Disabled American Veteran and Iraq Freedom team. Grass roots California leader per Senator McCain's mailings.

Just thought I would share that. Can't tell you how much truthiness is behind it but it is an interesting check list. I find it an interesting premise to put together a check list of things we look for in presidents. Not one that leads to a predetermined answer (as I am sure most of us are voting Democratic) but that actually carries weight over the years. Being able to identify why people vote the way they do is how one can change the voting pattern. In this sense, I would say most people want a candidate with more experience but if we qualify McCain's experience as bad experience then it pales in comparison to the good experience gained over a shorter time by Obama.

Keep an open mind about these aspects when talking with undecideds and the opposition. We can respectfully change minds without stretching truth or bombarding people with facts.
