Palin Pick Backfires Big Time; NOW Endorses Barack Obama!

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/16/2008 8:53:08 PM

Needless to say, this is great news:

For more than a decade, Barack Obama has said "yes" to women's rights, while John McCain has consistently said "no" - NO to pay equity, NO to contraceptive access and reproductive rights, NO to appointing Supreme Court judges who will uphold women's rights and civil rights, NO to funding shelters and other anti-violence programs, and NO to supporting working moms and dads with policies that support work/life balance.

NOW supported Sen. Hillary Clinton in the primary, and now we join with her in saying "NO" -- No Way, No How, No McCain! And we proudly stand arm-in-arm with her in putting our hopes and our dreams, our hard work and our hard-earned money, behind the next President of the United States -- Barack Obama, and his running mate, longtime friend and ally of women, Sen. Joe Biden.

Over at MyDD, Todd Beeton references NOW President Kim Gandy's comments this morning that, although NOW "very, very rarely endorses in a general election..."the addition of Sarah Palin gave us a new sense of urgency." Gandy elaborates about Palin:

"She is being portrayed as a supporter of women's rights ... as a feminist when in fact her positions on so many of the issues are really anathema to ours," Gandy said. [...]

"The idea that she opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest -- those kinds of positions are completely out of step with American women and once they find out about those positions, they get a little less excited about a woman running for vice president," Gandy said.

And they didn't even mention that "[w]hen Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the town suddenly started charging rape victims between $300 and $1200 to have the rapist's DNA and other forensic evidence taken, tested, cataloged and investigated."  Ee gads.


COMMENT HIDDEN (Houdon - 9/16/2008 9:13:35 PM)

When has the GOP ever fought . . . (JPTERP - 9/16/2008 9:35:45 PM)
for working families and women's rights?

A lot of voters this election are sick and tired of being played by slick GOP marketing campaigns.  When Republicans get into office, they make a habit out of screwing things up, and screw ordinary Americans over.  How many voters will buy the GOP's phony populism and sudden recognition of women's rights?  Some might, but on balance most union voters know that people like John McCain never have and never will have their best interests in mind.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know (Lowell - 9/16/2008 9:54:27 PM)
that Sarah Palin would be a disaster for women...and everyone else, for that matter.

Speaking of Detail (tx2vadem - 9/16/2008 10:41:29 PM)
She did not reveal how many members had expressed their desire for the organization to endorse Palin.  So, I don't understand how you arrive at their leadership is out of lock step with their membership.

I heard the interview (martha - 9/17/2008 5:57:02 AM)
She didn't say a great deal of members had contacted her in support ot Palin. She acknowledged that NOW is made up of women from diverse backgrounds and political thought. She affirmed overwhelmimgly that women in general don't believe as Palin does and the outcry against her had been loud ( from members).

I'd be shocked if more than 5% or 10% (Lowell - 9/17/2008 6:11:07 AM)
of NOW members would have had a problem with the Obama endorsement. To put it the other way around, I bet that 90%-95% were supportive or at least not opposed...

It shocks me... (Dan - 9/16/2008 10:24:04 PM)
It shocks me that the NOW would ever consider McCain/Sarah Palin over Obama/Biden.  There is no question that Hillary represented the values of gender equality.  Yet how does Palin represent gender equality?  Clarence Thomas is African-American.  What has Clarence Thomas done to move forward civil rights?  Exactly.

NOW........ (Flipper - 9/16/2008 10:26:47 PM)
raked Obama over the coals in the primaries for not being  pro-choice enough.

Sarah Palin is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest - so it is mind blowing to think any of their members would even consider voting for McCain-Palin.  

Anathema (tx2vadem - 9/16/2008 10:38:28 PM)
I heard her speaking to NPR this morning, and I thought more people really need to use anathema more.