Many of the those who received my personal email have not criticized Letiecq or taken any action to challenge his greed for power. By publishing their names without permission and "identifying" them, he has violated their privacy in a despicable attempt to make them appear guilty of some infraction, and bully them into silence.
I for one am not afraid of Greg Letiecq's Neo-McCarthyism. And I am not afraid to say I oppose the appointment of Robert Duecaster to our county's Strategic Goals Task Force. But more importantly, I oppose the persecution tactics Letiecq has employed to unduly influence this county government, its leaders, and its citizens.
Alanna Almeda - Anti-BVBL (15 September 2008)
Leave a comment in solidarity with Alanna as she confronts an increasingly hostile nativist movement. Make no mistake. Greg Letiecq is an extremist culture warrior who makes statements like, "we are obliged to defend our embattled culture before we inexorably veer off onto [a] destructive path." I seriously fear for Alanna's safety and for the safety of those around her and who support her.
It's funny how Letiecq makes the claim that those with a pro-migrant viewpoint "cannot argue the facts, or policy, or anything at all remotely resembling substance" at the same time that he bans anyone with a differing viewpoint from his website. Anti-BVBL on the other hand, remains open to everyone.
Keep up the fight Alanna. The universe is on the side of justice, and we're on the right side of history. Like water weathers stone, we will eventually prevail.