Bill seeks to allow students and visitors to carry guns on college campuses

By: Corey
Published On: 1/28/2006 2:00:00 AM

The Roanoke Times runs a story on Republican Delegate Todd Gilbert's legislation HB1572 that "would prohibit universities from making 'rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun.'"  Most Universities currently have policies that prohibit brining firearms onto campus, this bill would usurp the power to make those rules.  Republican Gilbert's bill was introduced on behalf of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League.  The bill is currently waiting to be heard by a House Militia, Police and Public Safety sub-committee.

Virginia Tech Police Chief: "You can't carry a gun on an airplane, you can't carry a gun in a federal building and you shouldn't be able to carry a gun at an institute of learning,".

Most of us would think it unacceptable, and state law makes it illegal, to carry a firearm onto the grounds of our local elementary, middle and high schools.  These institutions are safe, secure places where are our children can go and learn; away from the distractions of the rest of the world.  A college campus is no different.


Safe and secure? Wh (CR UVa - 4/4/2006 11:31:45 PM)
Safe and secure?  When is the last time you have been to the University of Virginia?  While Charlottesville, on the whole, is safe, we have had a serial rapist that has eluded capture for years, people get held up around here on a regular basis, and everyone is advised not to go out by themselves after dark.  While hardly the crime mecca of the world, it is not always safe, and I suspect the same holds true for other colleges in the Commonwealth.  I know plenty of people who know how to handle a firearm, and I would feel far more confident having them around Grounds then someone who illegaly obtained their firearm.