Message to Jim Gilmore: Be Careful What You Wish For

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/13/2008 8:34:52 AM

The Washington Post reports that Mark Warner will debate Jim Gilmore in a televised debate.

Democratic Senate candidate Mark R. Warner has agreed to participate in a televised debate with his GOP opponent, James S. Gilmore III, that may be aired statewide.

Although details are still being finalized, the debate would occur Oct. 3, said Kevin Hall, a Warner spokesman. It would be held in Roanoke by the NBC affiliate WSLS (Channel 10), and a free video feed would be offered to any Virginia television station that wants to air it.

The expression, "be careful what you wish for," springs to mind here. I mean, does Jim Gilmore REALLY want to debate his sorry record as governor with the man who came in and saved the Commonwealth from Gilmore's incompetence? Does the guy (Jim Gilmore) who nearly drove Virginia into a ditch REALLY want to argue with the man (Mark Warner) who pulled it OUT of the ditch? Does one of the least popular politicians in Virginia really want to get on stage with the most popular (along with his friend John Warner)? And what will Jim Gilmore do when he comes out looking like the fool that he is?  Whine some more? Yeah, that's a real winning strategy. Brought to you by the same great mind that almost singlehandedly squandered Virginia's AAA bond rating...


Must be embarassing. (Pain - 9/13/2008 9:13:09 AM)

Having to ride public transportation to the debate because you don't have gas money must be a real ego boost.

I suppose there is a name for (Jim White - 9/13/2008 5:40:59 PM)
Gilmore's fantasy world. I'll be da#ned if I know what it is though.

It's called (Lowell - 9/14/2008 12:32:08 PM)
"The Republican Party of Virginia"