Stop attacking Palin as a conservative

By: humanfont
Published On: 9/8/2008 12:51:53 AM

The fact is she isn't.  The more we attack her as a conservative, the more energized the Republican base gets.  We need to spend some time between now and election day showing how she isn't a true conservative, she's a big brother Republican; who will use the powers of her office to carry out personal vendettas.  She wants to spy on you and use the treasury as her personal credit card.  As mayor and govenor she pushed through huge tax increases (25% on sales tax), and billions of taxes on oil companies.  As mayor she increased the town's debt to 3000/person; despite receiving millions of dollars in pork.  Conservatives who thought they were getting Ronald Regan II with Bush and felt betrayed by his big government, big spending ways should be very wary of Gov. Palin.  She is the redneck Nelson Rockefeller.  


She may be a secessionist (Ingrid - 9/8/2008 9:14:26 AM)
See here, at 6:00

secession (pvogel - 9/8/2008 10:47:34 AM)
She hates America so much she wants to take her moose domain Natural gas nirvana, Salmon dog food  state and make it a nation?????

Palin Hates america.

Repeat after me

Palin hates america

Mccain would have had more success picking a name at random from the phone book.

Good idea there, Her husband was or is a member (bladerunner - 9/9/2008 7:35:12 PM)
of an organization that wanted Alaska to leave the United States. Alaska Independence or something like that. Also if done smartly one can point out to Americans how radical her Assembly of God church is, ie The end of the world scenerio, Israel, if you vote for Kerry you're going to hell, Jesus will litteraly come out of the sky and take only believers, speaking in tongues. Listen folks this ain't no main stream religion. It takes a pretty far out mind to believe this stuff. Mind you it's okay to believe that, but we don't want a person who believes that running the country, just like we didn't want Pat Robertson with his hand on the switch. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HOW MUCH SHE WILL PLAY HER RELIGION DOWN, SHE KNOWS AMERICANS WILL SHY AWAY. BELIEVE ME IT'S IN HER HEART, AND WILL EFFECT HER DECISION MAKING PROCESS. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!