Remembering Thomas Eagleton...

By: cycle12
Published On: 9/2/2008 8:52:48 PM

On July 14, 1972, Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern selected Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton as his vice-presidential running mate without much vetting after the position had been refused by better known Democrats of that era like Bayh, Humphrey, Kennedy, Mondale and Muskie because incumbent Republican President Nixon was considered to be unbeatable.

Soon after his selection, the media revealed that Eagleton had been hospitalized three times between 1960 and 1966 and had twice received electric shock treatment.  
I was 22 years old at the time and remember lookng forward to voting in my second presidential election and to working in the McGovern/Eagleton campaign, but that was not to be...

McGovern initially declared that he backed Eagleton 1,000%, but when the charges against Eagleton continued to dominate the media, Eagleton removed himself from the ticket on August 1 at McGovern's request.

Sargent Shriver became the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, and he and McGovern carried only Massachusetts and Washington, D. C. in one of the worst Democratic presidential defeats in history.

Is it possible that history could soon repeat itself on the opposite side of the political spectrum?

Please stay tuned...




British/Irish bookies betting against Palin (cycle12 - 9/3/2008 8:26:01 AM)
There's an interesting article in yesterday's (Tuesday, September 2, 2008) Bloomberg Press and available at this Yahoo link:

...about British and Irish bookmakers betting that John McCain will soon drop Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate.

In the article, reference is made to the fate of Thomas Eagleton:

"The last time a vice presidential candidate was dropped from the ticket was in 1972, when George McGovern's pick for the job, Tom Eagleton, left the Democratic campaign after disclosures he had undergone treatment for depression. McGovern went on to lose the election to Republican Richard Nixon."

Either way, I'm betting on the Obama/Biden ticket.

How about you?

