"A day in the life of a superdelegate"

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/30/2008 11:02:24 AM

From the Sorensen Institute:

Sorensen graduate and State Advisory Board member Jennifer McClellan (PLP 2001, CTP 2005), a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, was followed for a day by Newsweek magazine during the Democratic National Convention. The result is a series of videos chronicling "A Day in the Life of a Superdelegate." The first installment has just been posted to the Newsweek site. Click here or the photo below to see the first video.

Pretty cool, nice job by Del. McClellan!


Good for McClellan (Teddy - 8/30/2008 8:24:15 PM)
and an interesting, if truncated, view of the convention. To tell the truth, even though I am a political junkie, I have been to too many meetings and conventions (usually real estate) to want to attend another one, even this one. Speeches, milling around, waiting, walking literally miles from one warehouse room to another. The real work clearly, as always, goes on out of sight where the deals are cut, and boredom overtakes even the most conscientious attendee. McClellan has not lost her enthusiasm yet, and it was great to see. If I ever attend any convention again this would have been a good one.