Did that line rock or what?!? Why is it, by the way, that the "ordinary" people who spoke tonight were far eloquent than 90% of the politicians who spoke? How do we get THESE people to run for office, that's what I want to know!
Here's another great one - Pam from Pittsboro, North Carolina.
"I am a lifelong Republican who voted for Nixon, Reagan, Bush and Bush, but I can't afford four more years like this. I can't do it! I can't do it!"
Offshoring, indentured servant visa programs, the neutering of the DOL, and the crippling of unions have put this nation's working class on the chopping block.
Shame on the Republicans and any Democrat who joined them to put our jobs and our American way of living on the global chopping block. Shame on them.
Even though it wasn't politically correct for John Kerry to say this in 2004, there are most certainly Benedict Arnold CEOs AND members of Congress inflicting pain on this nation's working men and women. There is only one way to handle a Benedict Arnold - and that is to treat them like the criminals they are. If there is any justice it will be their heads on the chopping block, and not the heads of the working class.