The Commission is meeting in Richmond this evening (details below the fold) to hold their latest public hearing where they are taking comments on how to reach their goals.
Unfortunately, the Governor's current plan calls for a mere 30% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from what they would otherwise be by 2025. That shady language translates into an actual reduction of only about 7% below today's emissions. And this measly goal is what the Commission is charged with meeting.
Check out "There's more"-ville to get details on how to attend.
Such a reduction is not even close to what science calls for, what our technology allows, or what other states are committing to.
Nearly every group concerned about climate change, from the small but mightySouthern Appalachian Mountain Stewards from Wise County, to the huge and connected Sierra Club with members across the nation have come together to reject the goals the Governor has set for the Climate Commission outright and ask them to recommend to the Governor that he set real goals based on the science of what is needed and what is achievable in our great state.
Registration for the public hearing begins at 5:30 PM.-- but the Wise Energy Coalition will have have food, speakers and trainings beginning at 4:30 PM for anyone who wants to come.
WHAT: Public meeting of the Governor's Commission on Climate Change
WHEN: Wednesday, August 27th
Speakers, Food, and Guidelines for Comments: 4:30 - 5:30 PM (courtesy of the Wise Energy Coalition)
Public Comment Period: 6pm - 8pm (Speaker registration begins at 5:30 PM)
WHERE: Richmond Salons, University Student Commons, 907 Floyd Avenue, on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond.
Thanks phaedrus for bringing this to our attention. I hope that Tim Kaine, now that he is out of the Veep-stakes, will be a little less conservative, and more agressive in tackling the problems of climate change, mountaintop removal in Virginia, and energy issues in general.
Let us know how it goes!
While I also have Lowell's doubts about Kaine's motivations I am interested to see if he can be moved on some related energy issues. I don't expect any miracles, but it would be great if we could get him to move on a few issues. I'm really interested to see what he would say if a large portion of the climate change commission would come out and demand that he give them a meaningful goal. (Dominion sits on the commission along side some worthy, truly concerned individuals, so I don't expect a unanimous decision on it.)
I'll be sure to let y'all know how the meeting goes.
Gov. Kaine wants to cut Virginia's carbon emissions 7% by 2025 -- less than half a percent a year.
I guess we'll just have to hope future leaders want to tackle the other 73% in needed emissions cuts, that can we've kicked down the road?