Congratulations To Barack Obama On Selecting Senator Joe Biden!

By: Shawn
Published On: 8/23/2008 1:54:34 AM

Once again Barack Obama provided proof that he's ready to be President by selecting Delaware Senator Joe Biden to be his Vice-Presidential running mate.  

The entire process seemed to accomplish three major goals:
1.  Select a person to balance the background and experiences of Barack Obama.
2.  Manage the selection process so that it provided a fully vetted candidate ready to hit the ground campaigning on day one
3.  Maximize the public relations efforts and gather excitement behind the VP selection.  

My congratulations also go out tonight to those who were considered but not chosen.  The Democratic Party is well served by everyone whose name was even mentioned.  Here in Virginia we had three very deserving of serious consideration: Senator Jim Webb, former Governor and Senate Candidate Mark Warner, and Governor Tim Kaine.

cross posted on VirginiaDem


Yea! (totallynext - 8/23/2008 10:37:44 AM)
My conservative - I don't like McCain - still wasn't on board with Obama thing - just announced to his other military fellows...... I am voting for Obama / Biden!

Is the person you're referring to currently in the military? (Susan Mariner - 8/23/2008 8:14:44 PM)
Or a veteran?  If he is either one, please ask him to sign up  here

If he's out of state, please ask him to sign up here --



Text message arrives (Shawn - 8/23/2008 12:44:34 PM)
I had signed up for the text message and got mine Aug 23 3:16pm
"Barack has chosen Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on    Spread the word!"