Even Wal-Mart's Greener than John McCain

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/11/2008 11:35:20 AM

Why is it that even Wal-Mart, not exactly a paragon of progressivism, can figure this out but John McCain can't?

In recent months, chains including Wal-Mart Stores, Kohl's, Safeway and Whole Foods Market have installed solar panels on roofs of their stores to generate electricity on a large scale...

So far, most chains have outfitted fewer than 10 percent of their stores. Over the long run, assuming Congress renews a favorable tax provision and more states offer incentives, the chains promise a solar construction program that would ultimately put panels atop almost every big store in the country.

Now, let's look at John McCain's pathetic environmental record:

...In his 25 years in Congress, McCain has faced 294 crucial environmental votes and he voted in favor of the environment only 71 times -- earning a lifetime score from LCV of just 24 percent.


McCain has rejected even the weakest renewable energy programs.  Sen. McCain voted against giving increased funding to solar and renewable energy programs in 1994 and 1999.  In 2005, he voted against a national renewable electricity standard (RES) that would have required utilities to get 10 percent of their electricity from alternative energy. Last year, he missed all of the renewable electricity votes. Sen. McCain supports giving billions of dollars in subsidies to the nuclear industry while actively opposing similar support for wind and solar energy. Renewable energy must be an essential part of any global warming plan, yet Sen. McCain has stood in the way of such progress throughout his career.

That's right, Wal-Mart is better on the environment - at least on renewable energy - than John McCain. So why does the "mainstream" (aka, "corporate") media keep perpetuating the lie that McCain's a pro-environment moderate? Are they just ignorant or are they congenital liars?


If only... (Ingrid - 8/11/2008 3:59:58 PM)
The fact that most, if not all, products sold at Walmart are made in China and other foreign countries cancels out their use of green energy.  They are still polluting by importing from far away lands.  If their products were made locally, I might even shop there...  Of course, they would also have to start paying healthcare costs for their employees, so I don't have to.  

Right, that's my whole point. (Lowell - 8/11/2008 4:02:06 PM)
Even horrible, anti-progressive Wal-Mart is better than John McLame on the environment.