Former Bush Treasury Secretary and SEC Chairman Join Obama Campaign

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/28/2008 1:39:30 PM

This is yet another sign that not just Democrats and Independents realize we need dramatic change from the disastrous policies of the past 7 1/2 years. Frankly, I'm not surprised that people with good sense and smarts like former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and former SEC Chairman William Donaldson have joined the Obama campaign.  And it's also no surprise that John McLame's campaigns filled with people who think we're in a "mental recession" and that we're just a "nation of whiners."  

By the way, if you haven't read The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill, I strongly recommend it. Welcome to the Obama campaign, Mr. O'Neill and also Mr. Donaldson!  


This should be today's lead story in the MSM, but... (FMArouet21 - 7/28/2008 2:27:06 PM)

I'll bet that instead they will harp breathlessly on the "Obama didn't visit the wounded troops in Germany" meme.

The tabloid sensationalism of this latest baseless slur by the McCain camp works as an effective distraction to obscure the meticulously orchestrated success of Obama's foreign tour and his moves beginning today to build a bipartisan consensus on economic issues.

C'mon, Barack. It's time to start counterpunching--and not just counterpunching, but landing some verbal hooks, uppercuts, and haymakers on McCain's brittle glass jaw. Go for the knockout.

Yes, talk about the frail and weak John McCain (Hugo Estrada - 7/28/2008 3:37:15 PM)
This is the emperor's cloths: McCain looks frail, walks slowly, and obviously talks as someone who has some kind of dementia. Yet we are all suppose to pretend that this isn't so.

It is hard to see how much McCain has declined from even 4 years ago. It is sad to see this, but McCain is simply not the same man that ran in 2000.

This is unbelievably huge (AnonymousIsAWoman - 7/28/2008 8:40:27 PM)
I'm still sitting in the business center of a Cleveland hotel, reading this with shock.

Paul O'Neill was summarily dismissed from the Bush administration early on because of his integrity.  He documented in his book, which Lowell mentioned, The Price of Loyalty that the Bush administration was obsessed with finding a way to get America to invade Iraq from its first days in power.  It wouldn't focus on economic problems and ignored the threat from Afghanisan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the areas where we know al Qaeda was sheltered and supported.

Welcome indeed Secretary O'Neill.  And please bring more disillusioned former Republicans who really care about America!