Just What Is the "Co-ordinated Campaign"?

By: Elaine in Roanoke
Published On: 7/26/2008 6:40:30 PM

Although officials in the Warner and Obama campaigns stress they are working together closely, the two efforts at times appear to running on parallel tracks instead of a single campaign track, as reported by Tim Craig of The Washington Post.

Warner's and the Virginia Democratic Party's coordinated campaigns are based in Alexandria. The Obama campaign is based in Richmond.

The Obama campaign also has decided to establish its own regional offices across the state instead of solely relying on those established by the party's coordinated campaign.

The Obama campaign is up and running with staff in all parts of the state. The "co-ordinated campaign" is just sputtering to the starting line. (I speak from personal experience as a member of a congressional district committee.)
Officials within the Obama campaign said the decision to follow two separate paths was made because Obama plans to target different voters than Warner does. However, the two campaigns still do a lot of work together, most notably joint canvassing projects.

One glitch in joint plans just might be the fact that the Virginia Democratic Party originally decided to add Jim Wilson, a longtime Republican operative, to its payroll, supposedly as some sort of "sign guru" for Mark Warner. Wilson evidently also supports John McCain.

After a flap erupted about Wilson - primarily because he was seen with a Warner-McCain sign in his vehicle - the party announced that he will now work just for the Warner campaign and will not be paid by the state Democratic Party. By the way, Wilson has previously been a paid operative for George "Macaca" Allen.

I get pretty disappointed when Mark Warner allows things like this to occur...as well as being disappointed when Dick Cranwell follows along.

Mark Warner will easily get 60% of the vote in November without adding "Warner-McCain" signs to the mix.

Also, perhaps Mark would like to mention the DEMOCRATIC nominee for president favorably more times than the Republican nominee in any other debate he has with Jim Gilmore. He sure didn't do that at Hot Springs.

Party discipline means everybody is on the same page. One thing I know for sure. Jim Webb is on the right page. I hope the soon-to-be junior senator from Virginia follows that example.


Nothing New From Warner (NoDuh - 7/27/2008 5:06:04 PM)
Mark Warner has always looked out only for himself and nobody else.  I am sad to see him replace John Warner.

From NLS:

As one paper reported:  " Kaine's vulnerabilities were not lost on Warner, who distanced himself from his fellow Democrat the day after Kaine won the lieutenant governor nomination. At a press conference for the 2001 Democratic ticket-mates, Warner told reporters that he disagreed with Kaine's views on guns and capital punishment. Both men were elected that fall in spite of their sour campaign kickoff."

OneVirginia PAC (sndeak - 7/28/2008 3:21:30 PM)
paid for most of the coord campaign in 2001. Remember the shared HQ in Alexandria or the Warner/Kaine/McEachin yard signs?