Netroots Nation Poll: Progressive Bloggers' Top Priorities

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/21/2008 10:01:22 AM

These are the top concerns of progressive and liberal bloggers, according to a straw poll conducted by the Campaign for America's Future and Democracy Corps for Netroots Nation.  My top priorities? Here's a short list, roughly in descending order of magnitude (although they're all important and I know I've missed a few):

1. Dealing on an urgent basis with our energy and environmental challenges. That includes a carbon tax (offset by reductions in payroll taxes - as Al Gore says, we need to "tax what we burn, not what we earn") and/or an ambitious "cap and trade" program.
2. Ensuring that the Supreme Court doesn't lurch to the right, as this will threaten everything we care about
3. Reorienting our foreign policy in general and restoring America's standing in the world.  That includes maintaining a strong military while ramping up the use of "soft power" and combining American idealism with a healthy dose of realism
4. Fixing the laws and the tax code so that our economy works not just for rich people and corporations, but for working people (the right of workers to organize is crucial!)
5. Environmental protection in general; that includes ending subsidies that harm the environment, e.g., to corn-based ethanol.
6. Providing affordable, high-quality health care coverage to all Americans
7. Ensuring that we have the best education system in the world, from Pre-K through college and beyond...
8. Protecting our nation from another terrorist attack, particularly with WMD, while not losing what makes our country great in the first place - our freedoms, our constitution, etc.
9. Stopping nuclear proliferation, particularly to non-state actors
10. Balancing the budget by rolling back absurd tax cuts for the richest Americans and for companies like ExxonMobil
11. Sharply reducing the role of single-issue groups and lobbyists in our government
12. Keeping the government out of our bedrooms unless, as Jim Webb says, there's an overriding reason for it to be there. That includes keeping government from unnecessary and unwarranted (literally) spying on American citizens.
13. Ending abuses by our government, such as extraordinary rendition and torture.
14. Guaranteeing equal rights - NOT special rights - to all Americans.
15. Election reform, including instant runoff voting and verifiable paper trails for voting
16. Comprehensive immigration reform

So, what are your top priorities and why?  Thanks.


They kind of got part of my concern (KathyinBlacksburg - 7/21/2008 12:40:45 PM)
It's both sound and just economic policies (including taxation; the rich paying their fair share; honest accounting of our tax dollars; bringing back oversight to the SEC, Commodities Board, Treasury, and any other part of government, including Congress, tasked with oversight; ethical stewardship of our economy and safety net; improved (not gutted) safety net, including universal and national health care insurance).

Think what could have been done (Teddy - 7/21/2008 12:40:58 PM)
on each and every one of your priorities with the trillion dollars we burned up in Iraq.

I'd rather not. (Lowell - 7/21/2008 12:48:38 PM)
It's too depressing.