New York Times confirms it! Maliki supports Obama's position on Iraq.

By: Rob
Published On: 7/21/2008 12:37:14 AM

Oops.  Looks like there was a tape of the interview after all.  The New York Times drops the hammer on Bush's nonsense:

But the interpreter for the interview works for Mr. Maliki's office, not the magazine. And in an audio recording of Mr. Maliki's interview that Der Spiegel provided to The New York Times, Mr. Maliki seemed to state a clear affinity for Mr. Obama's position, bringing it up on his own in an answer to a general question on troop presence.

The following is a direct translation from the Arabic of Mr. Maliki's comments by The Times: "Obama's remarks that - if he takes office - in 16 months he would withdraw the forces, we think that this period could increase or decrease a little, but that it could be suitable to end the presence of the forces in Iraq."

He continued: "Who wants to exit in a quicker way has a better assessment of the situation in Iraq."

So it's confirmed now:  The Prime Minister of Iraq spontaneously announced his support of Obama's position on troop withdrawals, and the U.S. military outright lied when issuing that statement pretending that Maliki was misquoted.    


What is interesting... (Tiderion - 7/22/2008 9:11:22 AM)
about this situation is that the White House and CentCom have been trying to cover this one up and the MSM has mucked up the truth. This story should be front page everywhere with all the facts rather than no one knowing what al-Maliki actually said. How is it that Germans get the real information and not Americans (who need it most). The statement, "Who wants to exit in a quicker way has a better assessment of the situation in Iraq" says multitudes about this race. Yes, military leaders probably do want to continue fighting this war. After all, Bush fired all the people who disagreed with him.