I'll be boarding my connecting flight in a few minutes but I wanted to pull out the laptop and repay Glenn Nye for the hospitality and ice-cold Shiner Bock I enjoyed on Saturday evening thanks to his supporters in Texas. I met Glenn (far right) for the first time at a reception in his honor on the front lawn of a downtown Austin business. Hopes were high that Glenn will be able to take down Thelma "Karl Rove is My Homeboy" Drake this November. I wish there had been more Virginia bloggers there, but I don't think it was publicized very well, I only noticed the reception mentioned on a Texas blog Saturday morning.
Anyway, take a few dollars from that $600 that Thelma Drake voted to borrow from your grandkids to give you as a rebate check and give it to Glenn.
So what did I miss back in Virginia? Did something totally insane happen, like oh, I don't know, a candidate for Senate dismissing health care for kids as welfare? Ha, that would be crazy!