Get Ready for the New Lies About Obama

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 7/17/2008 8:07:09 PM

Try as they might, the right wing just can't seem to be able to land a glove on Barack Obama.  They've tried everything to distort his record and assassinate his character.  America isn't buying it, but that doesn't stop them from desperately lying, lying and lying again.

The latest product from the great, failed, right-wing smear factory:  LIES ABOUT OBAMA AND TAXES


A rapidly spreading email is tricking thousands-if not millions-of Americans with outrageous lies and misrepresentations about Barack Obama's tax policies.

The email has taken a few different forms, but the most common subject line says:


The email starts innocently enough, but the warning signs are there:

Spread the word.....

   This is something you should be aware of so you don't get blind-sided. This is really going to catch a lot of families off guard. It should make you worry.

Then it goes on to distort Barack's "Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election" including:

   * Capital gains tax
   * Dividend tax
   * Income tax
   * Inheritance tax
   * New taxes on things like water


Barack Obama wants the tax code to favor honest, hard-working people, and he has proposed a $1,000 tax cut for middle class families.

But that hasn't stopped anonymous smear-mongers from starting misleading rumors like this one.

According to, a nonpartisan, nonprofit voter advocate group,

   "This widely distributed message is so full of misinformation that we find it impossible to believe that it is the result of simple ignorance or carelessness on the part of the writer. Almost nothing it says about Obama's tax proposals is true. We conclude that this deception is deliberate."

You can see the entire email-and the point-by-point debunking-on the non-partisan, independent website


Having an effect (Teddy - 7/18/2008 10:56:27 AM)
This e-mail, or others like it, is already having an effect. While canvassing for Obama last Sunday I ran into a woman who said emphatically, "I might vote for John Warner but never for Obama. With my income, he is definitely not for me." Admittedly, this was in a rather upscale neighborhood, but her tone and body language did not permit the slightest disagreement.