First, during lunch in downtown Salem, Bowerbank explained much of his life's history, his strong family ties, his business successes and his vision for a better Virginia and a greater United States of America. He's definitely a Democrat.
Jon talked about his fondness for the Commonwealth of Virginia and all that it has done for him over the past 15 years or so, and he feels a need to give back to the public as a result of his many positive experiences here. He's definitely a progressive.
Bowerbank later attended the monthly meeting of the Roanoke County Democratic Committee in west Roanoke County, became an auxiliary member, helped sponsor our upcoming mini-golf tournament fundraiser, and easily blended in with our members and guests. He's definitely a people person.
Finally, 15 of us ended up together at a coffee shop in downtown Salem, and our friendly and informative discussion with Jon Bowerbank continued seamlessly. Jon is happy to assist in electing our 2008 Democratic candidates as he lays the groundwork for his 2009 campaign. He's definitely a visionary.
If at all possible, please afford yourself the opportunity to get to know Jon Bowerbank some time this year so that, when he hits the ground running even faster in his 2009 campaign for lieutenant governor early on Wednesday morning, November 5, you will already be acquainted with him.
He's definitely a motivated, viable candidate, and he represents well the bright future of Democratic politics in Virginia.
I'm particularly pleased to see a man with a +200 person payroll obligation step up and run for public office. We need more people that understand what it takes to make a budget work, and a business function.
Welcome to Jon Bowerbank!
Quick question to anyone who can answer it--is he going to be the only one running?? Some people looked at me funny when I had all of my Bowerbank stickers on at state convention....