Tom Davis: "Obama Is Not Going to Win in Virginia"
By: Chris Guy
Published On: 7/10/2008 5:48:01 PM
Rep. Tom Davis, the retiring Republican congressman from northern Virginia, told reporters flatly: "Obama is not going to win in Virginia."
He made the comments on a conference call organized by the Republican National Committee in advance of Obama's trip. Davis called Virginia a fundamentally "right-of-center state" and claimed that McCain's biography and maverick reputation will carry him through a potential backlash against the damaged national GOP brand.
His rationale is that McCain will enjoy "extraordinary cross-over support" from Democrats due to his "maverick" image. Golly, what insight. After all, this is the same guy who said that Republicans were in trouble AFTER they lost three straight special elections in red districts.
Yeah right... (ericy - 7/10/2008 6:09:37 PM)
If McCain weren't such a gaffe factory, he might have a better shot.
But with the news everyday is something stupid that McCain or one of his surrogates blurts out. Nothing (so far, anyways) at the level of a "Macaca moment", but it seems like it is just a matter of time. Actually some of the gaffes are pretty bad, but his strategy seems to be to then make a bunch more so that nobody focuses on any one of them..
Whenever I hear McCains "maverick" reputation mentioned (aznew - 7/10/2008 6:28:27 PM)
I think of this Ford Maverick I used to own that died for good on the Dulles Toll Road, heading toward the airport. It actually went kaupt about 100 yards from the tollbooths. I was a poor student back then, without AAA, needless to say, and the tow was particularly expensive because the wrecker had to drive about three-quarters of the way to Dulles before it hit a turnaround.
"Maverick" is no synonym for John McCain! (buzzbolt - 7/10/2008 6:52:53 PM)
1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.
2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
3. The name of a fictional 1950's T.V. series character played by James Garner. A professional gambler, loner, and something of a coward, the lovable Bret Maverick was a magnet for trouble in the days of the old west.
Hmm (Ron1 - 7/10/2008 7:00:47 PM)
A little bit of 1 (although in this case, the
second group of Republicans that brands it), some of 3 (magnet for trouble from the old west), very little of 2.
Good! (legacyofmarshall - 7/10/2008 9:10:27 PM)
If "Obama is not going to win in Virginia" is the message the RNC is being told by a brilliant Virginia political insider (snark), I guess that means they won't even bother campaigning here!
I'm down with that.
If Davis is so certain... (Craig - 7/10/2008 9:48:19 PM)
...then he'd better tell McCain. I hear he's spending on ads here.
Davis is a has been (Rebecca - 7/10/2008 9:59:56 PM)
Is that why Davis has retired, because the Republican Party is doing so well in Virginia?
Guess it will be our pleasure (Teddy - 7/10/2008 10:26:29 PM)
to arrange for Democrats to sweep Virginia this year, Mr. Davis. A taunt like yours is an open invitation to prove you wrong---- or, is that your intention, subtle political master that you are.
tom davis (pvogel - 7/10/2008 10:32:32 PM)
sour grapes?
Tom davis, thats your middle name.
You are a loser.
Your wife is a loser.
Your party is a loser.
See the theme?