Technical problems on
By: snolan
Published On: 6/20/2008 10:15:34 AM
I have now had several regular posters email me directly in response to my recent comments on RK about being unable to comment on RK now.
I seem to be experiencing no problems at all; but has something happened that would cause several people to be unable to comment or diary on RK?
Tom reports that it happened about the time Lowell stopped posting regularly; but that is a subjective judgement.
Should people who are experiencing difficulties be doing something specific to reset their cache or flush cookies?
FYI - they are contacting me because... (snolan - 6/20/2008 10:17:42 AM)
I am one of the few regular participant users who published my email address.
There should be a technical contact email address, even an impersonal one, clearly visible for people to report issues.
I stand corrected, contact is here already: (snolan - 6/20/2008 10:23:55 AM)
PAC Info:
Web & Technical:
Brian Patton:
I haven't had problems in general, but (Randy Klear - 6/20/2008 11:05:08 AM)
about a week ago, I could not post a comment on one of Lowell's own articles. It looked like a page protection issue of some sort.
Sorry to hear about the problems (Eric - 6/20/2008 11:37:52 AM)
On occasion we do experience issues with Soapblox. On the whole, however, it has proven to be a solid performer and RK is usually in full working order.
In the past we've had mix luck resolving issues. Some went away on their own, some we chased down and fixed, and others we chased in vain.
In general RK has been remarkable stable (snolan - 6/20/2008 3:56:49 PM)
and it remains so for me (knocks on wood furiously), but a few people mentioned the same thing in the past few days; that their "post comment" link/buttons were not showing up even when logged in.