Bush Will Sign Webb 21st Century GI Bill

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 6/19/2008 5:28:00 PM

Webb responds:

Statement of Senator Jim Webb on the

White House's Embrace of his 21st Century GI Bill

Washington, DC-- Senator Jim Webb today issued the following statement regarding the President's pledge not to veto S. 22, his 21st Century GI Bill:

"For the past 17 months, I and my staff have been working every day to provide first-class educational benefits to those who have served since 9/11.  I am delighted that after having opposed this legislation, the President has now pledged that he will not veto it when it comes before him as part of this year's supplemental appropriations package.  

"The bill being sent to the President contains every provision in S. 22, which has received meticulous scrutiny and the full support of every major veterans' organization.  It will pay for a veteran's tuition, books, and a monthly stipend, along the lines of the benefits given to those who returned from World War II.  As such, it fulfills the pledge I made on my first day of office to provide today's veterans with the opportunity to move forward into an absolutely first-class future.  

"I would like to again express my appreciation to the veterans' service organizations, many of whom communicated their support of this bill directly to a skeptical White House, and to the 58 Senate and 302 House cosponsors of this landmark legislation. This bipartisan coalition consistently rejected the allegations of this Administration, and of Senators McCain, Burr and Graham, among others, who claimed that the bill was too generous to our veterans, too difficult to administer and would hurt retention.

"It has now been nearly seven years since 9/11 -- seven years since those who have been serving in our military began earning the right for a proper wartime GI Bill.  I am looking forward to the President living up to his word, and signing this legislation at his earliest opportunity."


Woooo Hooooo (Alicia - 6/19/2008 5:54:34 PM)
that is great news!

V for Victory (mikeporter - 6/19/2008 5:56:17 PM)
The troops deserve it.  I hope most take advantage of the updated benefits.

Hearing footsteps... (cycle12 - 6/19/2008 6:08:08 PM)
"W" must have heard footsteps, perhaps approximately 75 pairs of them in the Senate, and many more in the House...

And where does this leave John McSame, who fought the bill?

It leaves him OUT in November, that's where...

Aren't you glad you voted for Webb?

Obama/Webb 08!



Good question (spotter - 6/19/2008 10:36:02 PM)
"And where does this leave John McSame, who fought the bill?"

And where does this leave Thelma Drake, who voted against it because it was going to be vetoed?

Dangling on the last days she'll have in office (snolan - 6/20/2008 6:24:25 AM)
Go Glenn Nye!

What was that Webb said about (Catzmaw - 6/19/2008 6:54:46 PM)
showing the President the way?  Well done, and way to stick with it.  I am VERY glad I voted for Webb.  

There it is settled (thegools - 6/19/2008 6:59:07 PM)
Webb, who is behind one of the greatest pieces of legislation that has come out of this congress, certainly has done more in a year and a half than George Allen ever did in his 6 years in the Senate.

Great job Senator Webb!! (unionman - 6/19/2008 7:18:44 PM)
My congrats to Senator Webb for his far reaching support for our women and men in uniform. Now if we only could give them the medical and psychological care they deserve...maybe...maybe...we can start the long climb out of the hellish pit we are in.

Amen ! (norman swingvoter - 6/20/2008 8:04:54 PM)
Couldn't have said it better myself.  Now that I think about it this must be one of the ways that McCain claims that he is different from bush.  He is even less interested in supporting the troops than bush.