Mark Warner -- "I do not seek nor will I accept ...

By: Glant
Published On: 6/14/2008 5:47:06 PM

the nomination for Vice President.  I want to represent the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the United States Senate!"

Just that clearly Gov. Warner told the cheering Democrats at the Hampton Convention Center that he is not a candidate for the national ticket, but is looking forward to being Virginia's "Junior" Senator next January.  Warner's speech was moving.  His passion for Virginia and this country came through time after time.
On the other hand, our current Junior Senator also gave a terrific speach (as did Gov Kaine).  Sen. Webb spoke of the failures of the current administration and the message of Hope that Senator Obama brings.  He also spoke of the respect he has for Senator Clinton.  Senator Webb talked about restoring our econonmy, our dignity, and the key role Virginia will have in the 08 election.  It did not take much imagination to see him standing on the podium in Denver giving a similar speech as he accepts the party's nomination for Vice President.


Jim Webb needs to be cloned (mikuleck - 6/14/2008 11:14:10 PM)
I want him as VEEP but I want him as senator too.  I respect Warner for his decision.  I think he has time and six years in the senate will be good for him and for us.

Oh, I am so happy now. (Pain - 6/14/2008 11:39:15 PM)
Thank you Mark Warner.  This guarantees another Democratic Senate seat for VA.  

As much as I think Jim Webb would make a great VP, I don't think he will be offered it, nor would I like him to take it.  I think there is too much 'perceived' baggage he would bring to the table, and I also think he wouldn't be the best person to campaign.

Now Obama can move forward and know he will carry Virginia with Mark on the ticket (JohnB - 6/15/2008 12:38:26 PM)
Thanks for the clarification Gov. Warner.  Virginia welcomes your dedication to our Commonwealth.