No Davis Endorsement of Connolly Coming

By: James Martin
Published On: 6/5/2008 10:52:14 PM

But he has been endorsed by Governor Kaine, 5 State Senators (four who served with Byrne), 9 Delegates, just about every local official from Prince William and Fairfax, and Ken Longmyer and Andy Hurst.


Spill the beans (Eric - 6/5/2008 11:07:15 PM)
If it isn't Davis, who is this "major" endorsement coming from?

Maybe it was going to be Davis (Chris Guy - 6/5/2008 11:36:52 PM)
then they realized how stupid that would be in a Democratic primary.  

Tom Davis has already endorsed Keith Fimian (James Martin - 6/5/2008 11:37:37 PM)

once more for the record (jsrutstein - 6/6/2008 5:42:44 AM)
That's a non-denial, because Davis could endorse Connolly for the primary and Fimian for the general.

There never was a Davis endorsement (anarchangel - 6/6/2008 11:52:19 AM)
This whole spin is a figment of NLS imagination and RK is also promoting the lie.

Talk about dirty tricks.  Even Karl Rove would condemn this tactic.

Ben has had excellent sources (Lowell - 6/6/2008 11:58:22 AM)
with the Davis people for a long time.  How do you know he's wrong? I'm not saying he's right, but do you have any evidence that he's wrong?

Sources say Joe Lieberman to endorse Byrne on Sunday (anarchangel - 6/6/2008 12:12:30 PM)
"Excellent sources" in the office of Senator Joe Lieberman say he will endorse Leslie Byrne on Sunday because Jim Webb voted in favor of his Climate bill.

These are "excellent sources" close to Lieberman and the McCain campaign. The Lieberman endorsement will bring Byrne's Senate endorsements to two.

Since Lieberman has endorsed Senator McCain for President, maybe he can get McCain to endorse Byrne before Tuesday's primary.

Ha, that's funny, but... (Lowell - 6/6/2008 12:13:25 PM)
...Joe Lieberman would be a lot closer to Gerry Connolly philosophically than to Leslie Byrne.  Anyway, we'll see what happens Saturday and Sunday! :)

Appalling (Lee Diamond - 6/6/2008 1:47:55 AM)
All these politicians should be held accountable for using the power WE gave them AGAiNST US.  Connolly is only for himself and the developers and whoever else he can find to line his pockets.

I am surprised by Hurst and Longmyer, guess I am out of touch? (snolan - 6/6/2008 7:49:29 AM)
I had not realized that Connolly had endorsements from Andy and Ken.

Andy's endorsement is particularly disappointing (Lowell - 6/6/2008 8:36:06 AM)
...especially considering how many times he's, less than glowing things about Connolly in the past.

Future VP Jim Webb trumps all of those people. (Lowell - 6/6/2008 8:54:50 AM)
Not to mention Bobby Scott and 8 other congressional endorsements for Leslie so far (none for Connolly to my knowledge).

Connolly has Kaine and Saslaw (anarchangel - 6/6/2008 11:56:40 AM)
Governor Tim Kaine, Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, Senator George Barker, Delegate David Bulova, Delegate Chuck Caputo, Delegate Mark Sickles, Delegate Dave Marsden, Fairfax Supervisors Sharon Bulova, Penny Gross, Jeff McKay, Linda Smyth, Cathy Hudgins, and Gerry Hyland, SEIU, the Firefighters, the Police, UFCW, all endorsed Connolly, to name just a few.

One could say this is a pretty formidable list for Connolly.

You call it "formidable" (Lowell - 6/6/2008 11:59:54 AM)
but frankly, isn't that pretty much the minimum that one would have expected for Gerry (with the possible exception of Gov. Kaine)?