What an interesting contrast... (ericy - 6/4/2008 7:35:58 AM)
Three speeches last night. McCain was arguably the worst - he apparently has no innate ability to deliver a prepared speech. Someone said that the green background made him look like a blob of cottage cheese in a block of lime jello. He apparently doesn't like the McSame comparison, but if there is a message you don't like, you shouldn't whine about it - that just reinforces the message.
Then Clinton. They picked an odd venue - I suspect it was chosen at the last moment. A relatively small crowd of her strongest supporters. Lots of people have already commented on what she did or didn't say last night. It remains to be seen what she does and says in the coming days...
And finally the main event. In a hockey arena - given the size of the crowd that couldn't get in, they could have filled the thing twice if they had wanted to, and in the speech he fired the opening salvo for the general election.
A stiff, gouty old man. (Jack Landers - 6/4/2008 9:20:03 AM)
John McCain looks, moves and talks like a zombie. Poor guy. It's not really his fault. He looks tired.
Did anyone else notice that Hillary Clinton had no visible security detail as she moved through the crowd towards the podium? Meanwhile, the Secret Service was giving Obama the full 'Mr. President' treatment. That said it all to me.
Man, what a night. I'm not going to let Hillary Clinton's sore loser-in-denial routine last night ruin any of this for me.
Even Fox News thinks McCain was awful (Lowell - 6/4/2008 4:32:33 PM)
On to Bristol for Obama! (cycle12 - 6/4/2008 8:23:56 AM)
Going to Bristol, Virginia early tomorrow morning to help continue supporting the Obama movement where Barack will start his campaign as the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
What a fitting beginning to what promises to be an historical result...
My fiancee and I... (ericy - 6/4/2008 8:35:34 AM)
briefly talked about trying to go to this event, but my guess is that we would need to get there at something like noon to get in line, and that just isn't going to work for us.
Have fun though - I imagine that we will be able to watch streaming video for the event..