Wittman A Congressional Failure In Virginia's 1st District

By: Shawn
Published On: 5/21/2008 10:10:18 AM

Radical Right Wing Republican Congressman Robert Wittman from Virginia's 1st District has now proven that he is nothing more than another Bush rubber stamp who:

  • Voted against overriding President Bush's veto of SCHIP reauthorizing and expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program

  • Voted against the authorization of $50 billion between 2009 and 2013 to help fight the international spread of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

  • Voted against the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008 to provide $15 billion to states and municipalities for the purchase and rehabilitation of foreclosed homes and voted against the HOPE VI grant program that is designed to help revitalize severely distressed public housing

  • Voted against an amendment to a comprehensive housing-stimulus bill through three separate votes, including this measure authorizing the Federal Housing Administration to help refinance as much as $300 billion of subprime loans

  • Voted against the Combustible Dust Explosion and Fire Prevention Act to require the Department of Labor to issue interim and final occupational safety and health standards regarding worker exposure to combustible dust and when the U.S. House unanimously reauthorized funding for the U.S. Fire Administration in the amount of $293 billion over five years Wittman failed to vote

  • Voted against the Taxpayer Assistance and Simplification Act a bill intended to simplify the federal tax system

  • Voted against the National Lansdscape Conservation Act that gives permanent statutory protection to the Department of Interior's National Landscape Conservation System, a 26 million-acre network of monuments, scenic trails, and conservation and wildlife areas

  • Voted against a U.S.-Columbia Trade resolution removing the 90-day provision requiring Congress to vote on the United States-Colombia Free Trade bill

  • Voted against improvements to mine safety

  • Voted against the extension of the Protect America Act that would have extended the current FISA law for 21 days and given Congress time to resolve the differences between the House and Senate bills

  • Voted NO when The House passed a $3 trillion budget resolution setting spending priorities for the 2009 fiscal year
  • No wonder Rob Wittman is ranked 432 of 435 in the congressional power rankings while he's been on Capitol Hill he has proven to be nothing but a reliable Bushite and a failure as a congressman.

    cross-posted on VirginiaDem.org
