MR. HUNT: You mentioned earlier, suggesting it was probably a mistake to walk the plank on the children's health insurance. Right now there's a battle going on over a housing bill that was passed. The president says he's going to veto it. Should Republicans go along with the president on the housing?REP. DAVIS: Well, I think individuals have to make their own decision. I'm not running for reelection, though, so I had the ability to vote my conscious [sic] first ...
Good, glad we got that straight. Thanks for all the conscience-free representation for over a decade, and putting politics and self-preservation first for 12 out of 14 years in the House. Leslie Byrne can't get elected fast enough.
He didn't.
Congressman Davis slept with dogs and now he can't itch off the fleas. He deserves the sores he receives. Now that he's powerless, his conscience isn't worth a red damn.
He was the one who started labeling all of us war dissenters "traitors". Take your conscience and shove it, you despicable failure.
However, leadership positions are worthless if, like him, you fail to use them to advance good policy.
Tom Davis just made the admission that it was all about his personal ambition and furthering his personal fortunes in Congress, never about courageous leadership for the people he represented.
Very few. While democrats are by no means perfect, republicans are going to be tarred and fethered this november... and it will be their own fault!
But is not Tom Davis' story the story of the entire Republican party over the past 35 or more years? Power and unrestrained greed combined with complete lack of accountability as the party's top dogs went about sucking the substance from their country, enriching themselves and their flunkies while destroying the American ideal. There is no name filthy enough to call these mud sucking lickspittles, these hypocrits and looters.
What really disgusts me is that I believe Davis knew how bad he was, how bad Bush and the Party had become, and he kept on keeping on with his immoral personal and public behavior, knowing what he did wrong, and smothering his conscience in favor of the depravity. Confession now may be good for his soul, but it is far too late, and he connived at the destruction. He owes not just his hapless constituents but the entire country more public self-criticism between now and November.
It would be great for that CD to have a rep who listens to the voters of the district first.