Webb on VP Ambitions

By: James Martin
Published On: 5/13/2008 7:37:34 PM

The Hill asked all 97 Senators not running for President if they would accept an offer for Vice-President... I thought it was worth posting Jim Webb's response:

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.)
"I'm not really interested. That's all I want to say."

In reality- I don't think anyone who was offered the Vice-Presidency would realistically turn it down... including Jim Webb (who would make the perfect addition to an Obama ticket).

If you're interested- John Warner would also turn down such a bid :)

Sen. John Warner (R-Va.)
"No, I'm not getting into that. I'm happily in the twilight of my retirement."


several comments, but I need to be circumspect (teacherken - 5/13/2008 9:16:52 PM)
1) Webb is not perfect -  he might represent some problems with Hispanics because of his vote on the immigration bill, and he would catch some flak from progressives because of his vote on FISA extension

2) While he is not interested, he would not absolutely rule it out.  It would depend upon the shape of the office, the expectations for him during the campaign

What is that old saying -- (aznew - 5/13/2008 11:12:24 PM)
Vice President is a job nobody wants until it is offered to them.