Barack Obama: McCain "Losing his bearings"

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/9/2008

A great response by the soon-to-be Democratic presidential nominee against John McCain and his bizarre rantings. This should be a fun general election campaign, as John McCain makes gaffe after gaffe and Barack Obama skewers him. I can't wait.


McCain lost his bearings long ago (The Grey Havens - 5/9/2008 10:22:00 AM)
He once was a real independent voice with his own perspective.  A man who would (occasionally) buck the party line in order to tell the truth (as long as the political cost could be limited).  Now he's 100% in the tank for the vast right-wing conspiracy and willing to ignore reality, pander, lie, break laws he wrote himself, engage in blatant corruption, or fly in the face of common sense in order to give George W. Bush a third term, and promote the old politics of division, lobbyists and the status-quo.

The good ship John Sidney McSame has run aground on the shoals of discredited conservative dogma.  Only his true political base, the press, has failed to notice.