Of course Wright is against Obama

By: snolan
Published On: 4/29/2008 3:55:10 PM

It makes sense.

People like Wright, Sharpton, Coulter, Malkin, Robertson all make their living off the polarization of different factions of the American populace.  It's their right.  It also means that anyone who can reduce the polarization of these factions by bringing people together is a threat to their very livelihood.

Of course they are all attacking Obama.  He threatens their way of life.

What makes Wright's words so hard for people to hear is the fact that there is some truth to them.  Wrong has been done to people of color in this country for hundreds of years.  He has damned good reason to be mad.  Sadly, getting mad does not solve the problem.  Rising above the problem and reaching out to your opponents to find common ground and work together to really resolve problems is how you really improve things for Americans.  That is what Obama, and more importantly, his supporters, are trying to do.

Can they be successful?  Who knows, but it sure beats sitting around doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... hey, that sounds familiar...

Forgive Wright his angry rhetoric, try and find a way to work with the people who listen to him and the people who disparage him.  Bridging that divide is the real goal here.


Obama's response (Lowell - 4/29/2008 4:41:05 PM)

Thank you! (snolan - 4/29/2008 5:25:51 PM)
Once again, Obama says it better than I could (of course).

Exploitive... nice word.