Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the ?Constitution is an outdated document.?
Finally, Bush reportedly responded to an aide who told him that certain provisions of the Patriot Act "undermine the Constitution" that "I don?t give a goddamn. I?m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.?
All I can say is, I hope this is not true. If it is, I would say that everyone - conservatives, moderates, and liberals alike - should be deeply troubled by the contempt in which the Bush Adminsitration apparently holds America's most important and revered document. Not to mention our entire system of government and rule of law. Disturbing.
[UPDATE: See the latest Capitol Hill Blue, in which Doug Thompson writes: "So let them doubt. Let them claim we don?t have the facts. Our record proves otherwise and that drives them crazy. Are we that good? You bet we are."]