Hilda Barg Slams Corey Stewart for Attacking Chief Deane

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/2/2008 6:31:17 AM

This took place yesterday and was videotaped by Eric Byler and Annabel Park as part of their 9500 Liberty project.

Former Woodbridge District Supervisor Hilda Barg to PW County Board Chair Corey Stewart: "I come before you today to show 100% of support for Chief Charlie Deane, a man of integrity who has kept his promise to the people of this county -- a promise to keep an open line of communication, by holding public meetings in the community and trying to remove the hatred and the fear that has been building in our community for months."

"I am appalled that you, Corey Stewart, have publicly attacked our Chief."

"Corey, you have created fear in this community, but it's not gonna work anymore...you have created hate across our county, our region, our state, and we're a laughing stock across the country."

UPDATE: More, powerful videos on the "flip."  Wow.

More support for Chief Deane.

"You might be a racist."

"A cancer growing in my community."


Go Hilda! (Glant - 4/2/2008 10:44:06 AM)
Well said.

Now that I have seen all four videos (Glant - 4/2/2008 11:03:42 AM)
I think all of them are excellent.  Kudos to the four with the integrity to stand up to Corey Stewart and the PWC Board.

This reflects nothing but a failure (floodguy - 4/2/2008 11:25:33 AM)
at the federal level and the inability of Congress to tackle this problem years ago when problems were appearing on the horizon.  Instead both parties' leadership punted the ball for hopes of an easier time of it on another day, or to make it an election issue where it can be politicized as it is becoming here in Prince William County.    

The fringe elements of both sides are mobilized and are having their day now in the spotlight.  Both sides have some validity, but in the middle there exists the confusion and the misrepresenations, all at the cost for someone or some side's political victory and another's defeat, while people are hurt financially and emotionally.  

Barack Obama wants to melt both sides together and move forward to achieve at least some level of progress, instead of this bickering stalemate which is paralyzing government, ruining hope, and tearing half of the country's citizens apart from the other.  

If we cannot melt viewpoints at our local governmental levels, nor within our grassroots or netroots efforts, then what hope does Barack have all on his own?

Unfortunatly it will never happen (citizenindy - 4/2/2008 2:41:50 PM)
Whenever there is a compromise bill on any subject the activists rip into it

Take Raising Kaine as an example.  This site will never die.  There will always be an issue that most of you feel isn't liberal/progressive enough to complain about.  Think about it if you ever achieve your goals you cease to exist.  

I only gave you a 3 instead of a 4 for the Obama stuff

You know I really wish Barack Obama actually wanted to melt both sides together but he doesn;t.  If you look at his entire platform its liberal democrat policies.  And to be fair McCain's entire platfrom is conservative republican policies.  You can't win running as a moderate no one will give you any money.  


We're progressive and proud of it. (Lowell - 4/2/2008 3:20:45 PM)
If you consider fighting for our progressive values to be "complaining," or conservatives fighting for their values for that matter, then I don't know what to say to you.  Don't read the political blogs, perhaps?  

that's what spearheads politicization of issues and this country's division (floodguy - 4/3/2008 10:30:44 AM)
"If you consider fighting for our progressive values to be "complaining," or conservatives fighting for their values for that matter."

This is all we get from each side, and the vicious attacks and poor statesmanship expressed then duplicated by the citizen onlookers.    

The ripple affect hasn't stopped - its ugly, its low class, unpatriotic AND it doesn't work.

Its hard to explain (citizenindy - 4/3/2008 12:46:14 PM)
I actually do understand what Lowell was saying.  There are people out there who strongly adhere to a boiler plate set of issues (right and left) and are willing to do whatever it takes to advance their agenda.  That is why they are activists.  That is why they spend countless hours and resources advancing their causes.  That is why I respect them even when I disagree with them.  

In the end though I still support floodguy I think that sometimes the activists forget that the majority of people don't live in their world.  That if you really want to accomplish your goals there are better and smarter ways to go about it.  That in the real world compromise is a necessary and even gasp healthy part of the political process.  That things are never black and white.  That I would hope that everyone could actually have a converstation with a liberal, republican, democrat, or conservative, independent or moderate and actually admit that they aren't a complete moron and their ideas actually have value and merit.            

I was also at this meeting (Barbara - 4/2/2008 11:49:27 AM)
There were other powerful comments directed at Mr. Stewart, none of which phased him I'm sure.  I was happy to see that there might be an ounce of sanity in this community after all.  Unfortunately, the article in today's Wash Post didn't capture that at all.  Especially since after quoting Hilda, it ended with Corey's astute comment:  
"That's Hilda. That's what I expect her to say. She's never been a fan."

I'm sorry I didn't realize who was filming.  I would have said hello.

This is what Stewart does. (Lowell - 4/2/2008 11:51:49 AM)
It's NEVER him, oh no. It's ALWAYS someone else, they have some kind of irrational dislike for him, whatever.  Of course, he never addresses the substance of the criticisms.  Brilliant.