Help Obama in Pennsylvania and North Carolina

By: Rob
Published On: 4/1/2008 9:45:25 PM

Our primary is over, but that doesn't mean that Virginians who want to keep on helping Obama don't have a great opportunity to do so.  In fact, the last few upcoming contests in this protracted battle are in neighboring and close by states.  

So far, the campaign has emailed us Virginians a call for help with Pennsylvania GOTV (primary on April 22nd) and with North Carolina voter registration (deadline on April 11th).  I'm guessing that more info on West Virginia is coming too.  After the flip, you'll see more on how to help...
Here's a call to arms for the next race:

In the past few weeks, thousands of people from all across the country have traveled to Pennsylvania to help grow our movement.

Thanks to supporters like you, we registered tens of thousands of new Democrats and built a base of support that will help Barack in the primary on April 22nd.

Now we need to make sure all these new voices are heard.

Sign up to take a trip to Pennsylvania and help Get Out The Vote for Barack:

Our campaign has always relied on grassroots supporters to build our movement and spread the word about Barack Obama.

The steps that we're taking right now will help us do more than win an election -- they will empower ordinary Americans to join with their friends, family, and neighbors in believing that together we can make a difference.

No prior political experience is necessary. All you need is a hunger for change and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.

Make a difference right away for Barack in Pennsylvania:

Thank you for your continued support,


Angela Botticella
Pennsylvania Deputy Field Director
Obama for America

And, the state after Pennsylvania would be our neighbors to the south:

My name is Katina Tsongas, and I'm the Field Director for the Obama campaign in North Carolina.

Barack has won twice as many states, more delegates, and more votes than Senator Clinton. But the Democratic race is still very close, and the North Carolina primary is one of the biggest and most important remaining contests.

Though the primary is still several weeks away, another important deadline is coming up soon. Anyone who wants to vote for Barack on May 6th in North Carolina must be registered as a Democrat or unaffiliated by Friday, April 11th.

Voters have finally found a candidate they can believe in, but many of them will be ineligible to vote in North Carolina unless we help them get registered soon.

That's why we're asking you to come to North Carolina to register voters before the April 11th deadline. Sign up to join us today:

If one thing is clear from this campaign, it's that every vote and every delegate matters.

Here in North Carolina, hundreds of thousands of unregistered voters are ready to support Barack -- but we have only two weeks to reach out to them all.

People from all over the country are traveling to North Carolina to make sure every potential Obama supporter is registered and eligible to vote in the primary on May 6th.

No prior political experience is required. Sign up to grow this movement and bring thousands of new voices into the political process.

Join us in North Carolina to register voters and support Barack:

All across the country, we've seen people getting involved in politics for the first time or returning to politics after years of frustration.

I hope you'll come to North Carolina and keep this momentum going.

Thank you,


Katina Tsongas
North Carolina Field Director
Obama for America

P.S. -- Even if you can't make it before April 11th, sign up to come help after the registration deadline and we'll get in touch about specifics:
