One interesting pice in the poll - Gov., Rendell, who is a big Clinton supporter, was rated as doing a fair or poor job by 47% of Democrats polled. This surprised me - and I wonder if he may end up having a negative effect on Clinton's campaign.
Like all politicians, he will want his voice to have the greatest possible impact, and a week before the PA primary, will go a long way in helping Obama earn the state's blue collar vote. Edwards will not want to wait another week for NC's election since Obama already is doing well there. Conversely, should Edwards endorse Clinton, he'll be best served to do so just before the NC primary to give her a much needed boost.
I was an "Edwards person" because of his stand for labor and the average worker, but have since "converted" to be a strong Obama person, since he literally and figuratively reflects change better than Clinton.
Though I may be dead wrong in this assessment, should Edwards endorse Obama in two weeks, I think that should wrap up the entire campaign for Obama.