I am so sick of this Hillary has been vetted BS

By: humanfont
Published On: 3/30/2008 2:40:06 AM

For all her vetting she spent the entire week digging out of a hole she dug for herself about her suposed heroics in Bosnia.  You'd think someone who spent 8 years in the Whitehouse would know your entire public life is on video, and they will check, so be careful when you embellish.   John Kerry was vetted too, as was Al Gore, Walter Mondale, Hubert Humphry, and Adalai Stevenson (so much we nominated him twice).  You know who wasn't vetted.  FDR wasn't vetted because if he was, you'd think someone might have noticed he couldn't walk.  JFK, Carter, and Bill Clinton also wern't vetted. Whatever you think of their effectivness as presidents they put the Whitehouse in the D column.  


Hillary has not been veted (Hugo Estrada - 3/31/2008 4:54:20 PM)
That is another bad meme that her campaign has put out. Has Hillary been attacked? Sure. Has she been attacked as she runs for president? No, not really. Negative press, yes; but she hasn't gone through a sustained attack on her as Gore went through.