I'm calling it for Obama already.

By: snolan
Published On: 3/20/2008 1:57:41 PM

Newsflash: the campaigns for the presidential term starting in 2009 are over and done. Obama won it by a vast margin on Tuesday, March 18th when he made his "More Perfect Union" speech in Philadelphia.

At this point Clinton and McCain are simply going through the motions to save a little face.
We should all be trying to figure out how to make his first term as successful as is possible given the huge and difficult to repair damage that the Bush administration has left us.
Also, it is now time to begin working on congressional and senate races.


Don't Jinx Us (Matt H - 3/20/2008 3:56:48 PM)
I'm with Obama, but I think that the Clinton machine will prevail at the end of the day since it will stop at nothing to achieve its ends.  It's really a sad, but truly American story.  At least the flag industry will be strong since she's been in favor of a flag amendment to the Constitution (like there is nothing else in the world to worry about).  Tyranny lives!

Obama would have been the best thing to happen in America since the 13th Amendment.

Marc Cooper's article (snolan - 3/20/2008 6:13:04 PM)
So it turns out that I am not alone in this sentiment and prediction.  Other, much more prolific writers than me have expressed similar opinions:
Marc Cooper's reaction.

Hat tip to Stephen Retherford (who writes brilliantly himeself).