Winning the Media
By: kathstack
Published On: 3/19/2008 11:11:47 AM
I don't think Obama's wonderful speech yesterday will win over all, or even most of his detractors. There are people who will never vote for him because he is black, and that's just the way it is. This is America--they have a right to think what they want, hurtful though it may be. Nobody's interested in the thought police; let us confine ourselves to condemning action.
But I do think the speech was an important milestone, because I think it took Obama a long way toward a very important victory. I think, based on the press commentary I've read this morning (not in the Virginia Pilot, which, if Pat Robertson does buy it you'll hardly be able to tell the difference) that this speech may very well have won the media.
And as all of us who have suffered through the execrable coverage of Democrats by the supposed "liberal media" know, that is a victory to be valued above rubies.
The tones of respect, bordering on awe, that some of the writing featured is a very, very good sign.
We have to fight (The Grey Havens - 3/19/2008 11:35:52 AM)
The forces of ignorance and separation will never stop attacking Obama. We have to champion his positive campaign of character and integrity in every political context we find ourselves in.
thanks (kathstack - 3/19/2008 11:48:51 AM)
Wow! Recommended--cool.
The third graph should say "And as all of us who have suffered through the execrable coverage of Democrats by the supposed "liberal media" KNOW, that is a victory to be valued above rubies.
Sorry for the typo.
fixed (The Grey Havens - 3/19/2008 12:00:38 PM)
you should be able to edit your own diaries. can't you?
after I post? (kathstack - 3/19/2008 3:28:13 PM)
Didn't know I could edit after I posted. I am not the most computer-savvy person who ever came down the road.
Thanks for the fix.