And the Pathetic Quote of the Day Goes To...
By: Lowell
Published On: 3/14/2008 7:16:20 AM
...that's right, our old buddy Dave "Abuser Fees" Albo:
Senate Democrats want a statewide tax increase to go toward maintaining roads, but House Republicans oppose it because they want to focus on salvaging the regional panels by allowing local governments to enact the tax and fee increases.
Del. David B. Albo (R-Fairfax) accused Democrats of using the Supreme Court decision to push for a statewide tax increase that isn't needed. "I feel like I am being taken advantage of," Albo said.
Altogether, now, somebody call a waaaaaaaahmbulance for Dave Albo. The poor thing, being taken advantage of by those mean, mean Democrats. Hey, just think Delegate Albo: in just 1 1/2 years, Greg Werkheiser will take your place and you won't have to be taken advantage of any more. Something to look forward to... :)
oh (leftofcenter - 3/14/2008 8:33:21 AM)
boo friggin' hoo.
Voters in the 42nd are "being taken advantage of" (Jim W - 3/14/2008 9:11:18 AM)
Fairfax County is in the NVTA.
Take advantage of Dave Albo? (Silence Dogood - 3/14/2008 9:47:57 AM)
There's not enough beer in the state to get me that drunk.
Call Albo's office (Eric - 3/14/2008 9:52:16 AM)
Given that he's a stooge for the industry I'm sure he could get you some more booze.
To add insult (Eric - 3/14/2008 9:50:33 AM)
Tom Davis said Albo was dog food. Ok, it was the Republican party. Or the Republican name. Or something about Republicans being dog food. If I were Albo, I'd be more worried about Davis' comments (and the reason behind them) than the Democrats practicing good government.
Hmmmm... Albo, Alpo, Albo, Alpo, Albo... methinks there is something here. Thanks Tom!