Hybrid based cabs have been popping up more and more recently (a no brainer given the high price of gasoline), but this company has its entire fleet made up of Hybrids. Then they offset their remaining carbon emissions making their taxis carbon-neutral.
Besides just reducing emissions enviroCAB will also offset its remaining emissions by buying offset credits. This will effectively produce a fleet of taxis that will emit zero carbon dioxide. In fact, we believe that enviroCAB will be the first carbon-neutral fleet in the United States.
And taking it from carbon-neutral to carbon-negative? (H/T WUSA http://www.wusa9.com/news/loca...
Hess says the company also buys renewable credits in wind energy to off-set all of the fleet's emissions."...And we buy more than needed," he adds, "so we're actually carbon negative."
I don't know if they're really the first carbon-negative, or even carbon-neutral, taxi company. But, quite frankly, I don't care. This is the right direction to be taking a transportation oriented business and it demonstrates that green and business can work together.
Talk about "green jobs" has been increasing lately, and thanks to companies like Envirocab it's not just talk. This is the future we need to embrace - not the business as usual crap that is fed to us by companies like Dominion and their proposed dirty coal fired power plant in Wise County.
Next time you need a cab in Arlington, give these guys a call. (And no, I don't own stock or know anyone with the company. This is simply the right direction for business to go and I feel they should be rewarded for their efforts.)