"The West Wing" revisited....Obama=Santos???

By: proudvadem
Published On: 3/3/2008 9:17:03 PM

This is an interesting comparison from the last season of the dearly departed "The West Wing" to Barack Obama.
Interestingly enough, Matt Santos- the idealistic Democratic Senator was based on Barack Obama. Also, note the McCain character played by Alan Alda.

From Slate TV:


I really miss that show (Politicalhack - 3/3/2008 11:24:18 PM)
and the last season was amazing.

The last season was a political junkie's dream (Catzmaw - 3/4/2008 9:26:45 AM)
All the twists and turns through the electoral process, and the strategic/tactical decisions, and the sudden monkey wrench issues popping up out of nowhere.  It was a voyage into election fantasy land.