Gird your loins: here come the Swift Boats

By: j_wyatt
Published On: 2/28/2008 12:10:12 AM

At last night's debate, Tim Russert sent some sharp questions Obama's way. They threaded together Louis Farrakhan, Kaddafi and the United Church of Christ's Reverend Wright. Putting aside the semantics of denouncing versus rejecting, the substance of Senator Obama's response was little more than equivocation. He's going to have to come up with an answer that changes the dynamics of these charges ... and soon.  

As to the GOP, the surrogates launch 'em and Senator McCain disavows 'em. You can have your cake and eat it too under that big Republican tent.

Excerpts from an official Tennessee Republican Party press release (worth reading in its entirety to better savor the -- cough -- high-mindedness of the closing editorial note):

Anti-Semites for Obama

... On Sunday, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan on Sunday likened Obama to a new messiah, calling him "the hope of the entire world." That's the same Louis Farrakhan who has a history of making openly anti-Semitic statements, calling Judaism a "gutter religion," and suggesting that crack cocaine might have been a CIA plot to enslave blacks. ...

... The board of a nonprofit organization on which Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a "catastrophe."

The co-founder of that organization, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, who also has held a fundraiser for Obama, is a harsh critic of Israel and has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror. Khalidi reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group. ...

... Also serving on the Wood's Fund board alongside Obama was current University of Illinois-Chicago professor William C. Ayers, who was a member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the U.S. government and took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971.

"You don't even have to go outside Obama's campaign to find advisers who are anti-Israel," said Bill Hobbs, communications director for the Tennessee Republican Party. "Robert Malley, a principal foreign policy adviser to Obama, has advocated negotiations with the Iranian-funded radical terrorist group Hamas and urged that Hamas - which sends suicide bombers to kill innocent women and children - receive international assistance." ...


And stay tuned for info from Africa (Rebecca - 2/28/2008 10:30:16 AM)
We should also being hearing some swift boating informaiton coming out of Africa soon.

Monkeys flinging ... (Evan M - 2/28/2008 11:31:02 AM)
Ah, nothing like the army of rightside monkeys flinging their fecal matter.

Don't you just love presidential politics?