I actually through a Obama campaign person for a loop by pressing the disabled question.
I don't believe he intentionally is excluding anyone (sndeak - 2/27/2008 3:24:34 PM)
I agree he should have a 'people' link for those with disabilities, I do not think it was intentional. Have you contacted someone a little higher up in the campaign? Maybe through one of his endorsers in Virginia such as Gov. Kaine's office or one of the other elected officials?
Support Americans with Disabilities: As a former civil rights lawyer, Barack Obama knows firsthand the importance of strong protections for minority communities in our society. Obama is committed to strengthening and better enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that future generations of Americans with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities. Obama believes we must restore the original legislative intent of the ADA in the wake of court decisions that have restricted the interpretation of this landmark legislation.
well its good (presidentialman - 2/28/2008 8:27:04 PM)
to hear from a civil rights attorney. I was reading William F. Buckley's obit in the WP and there was this buyer's remorse and then it became clear he helped found the status quo movement also known as the conservative movement. And with that I felt its a good thing the dark ages are coming to and end. So its good to know that he'd support ADA in its original version, and not this watered down stuff that the conservative SCOTUS supports, probably brought on by Buckley helped bring about.
uniting (Alokin - 2/28/2008 7:41:22 AM)
He has a "issues" page on disabilities. You are right in that there is no "peoples" link to disabled, but on the other hand, aren't disabled people like everyone else? Shouldn't disabled be included in all the other groups, like women and blacks and students and whatever, because it doesn't matter whether disabled or not?
On the other hand, I have just found an argument against what I wrote above, since blacks may also be women and latinos may be students, and still everyone has its own outreach group. So, I see your problem, I guess.