The Evil of Karl Rove - Winning Elections by Destroying Lives

By: The Grey Havens
Published On: 2/25/2008 6:37:58 PM


Karl Rove a Nixon ACOLYTE (TMSKI - 2/26/2008 8:39:17 AM)
It rarely is discussed but Karl Rove earned his Repug credentials as a "Young Republican" working out of the basement of the Nixon White House. Since he approximates me in age .... all I can say is that anybody on who would be a NIXONian acolyte "Back in the Day" is far weirder than any stereo-type Comedy Central could produce today.

Evil Genius?? .... just plain evil... corrupt.

I do admire that Republican operative lady coming forward and pointing the finger. They're quickly trying to smear her and she's got her ass covered with phone conversations and correspondence.

I think we'll need a new attorney general to really make this thing stick .... as in stick it to Karl Rove!!