Favorite new bumper sticker

By: proudvadem
Published On: 2/19/2008 4:26:39 PM

I saw this driving down 64 in Norfolk:

Republicans for Voldemort


"We are the people our parents warned us about"-Jimmy Buffett


That's a variation on an earlier one-- (KathyinBlacksburg - 2/19/2008 5:29:39 PM)
which said "Voldemort is a Republican"

I've never seen either before.... (proudvadem - 2/19/2008 5:42:00 PM)
But I like both...I got a good laugh when I saw it...
Personally, I think Voldemort and Dick Cheney are one in the same...

We are the people our parents warned us about"-Jimmy Buffett

Cheney-Cthulu '08 (Evan M - 2/20/2008 12:26:20 AM)
Why vote for the lesser evil?

Ahh, Lovecraft (DanG - 2/20/2008 12:39:38 AM)

asdf (kestrel9000 - 2/20/2008 9:48:43 AM)