At the very least, this should result in better table service!

By: aznew
Published On: 2/19/2008 9:13:09 AM

Bob Gibson of the Daily Progress reports:

A bill to allow people with a concealed weapons permit to bring a hidden handgun into a restaurant if they do not drink won approval of a House of Delegates committee Monday


Qualification for concealed permit? (oldsoldier - 2/19/2008 10:54:51 AM)
I would feel safer if they required monthly visits to a pistol range (assuming you can't conceal a rifle or shotgun)to prove proficiency in hitting what you are aiming at 25 feet and 60 feet.

Knowing which end of a pistol the bullets go out of just isn't enough, and I'd hate to be next to the target of a shooter 20 yards away from me, and amateurs will shoot at a target 20 yards away with unwarranted self-confidence.

I agree on this one (Hugo Estrada - 2/19/2008 12:57:27 PM)
Many people fantasize that if they had a gun, they could Rambo themselves out of situations such as VA Tech. Not so.

SWAT teams receive special training for handling situations where the lives of civilians are at stake. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that it would take this kind of training to be able to handle spree killers in schools and other public places.

I personally don't have a problem having law enforcement or former military carrying weapons. They may not have the SWAT training, but they have a lot more training than the average joe.

It Certainly Could Solve Other Problems (HisRoc - 2/19/2008 2:29:25 PM)
Such as what to do when people insist on smoking in the non-smoking section.