Wilder/Villaraigosa Debate Obama/Clinton

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/18/2008 8:02:36 AM

On yesterday's edition of Face the Nation, former Gov. Doug Wilder and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa debated Obama vs. Clinton.  If you're interested, the PDF transcript is here.  Face the Nation presented the following excerpts as highlights of the show.  First, here's "Obama surrogate" Doug Wilder:

Bill Clinton hurt Hillary's chances by injecting race into campaign
"...it's a mistake for Bill Clinton to believe that there has been given to him this mantle of authority to be able to speak for and to and to be dismissive of African-Americans. And I think he made a big mistake, and I think he hurt Hillary in the process."

It would be a mistake for superdelegates to ignore the will of the voters
"Bob, I think it would be a mistake because you pointed out the first convention you went to was 1968. You know what a mess that was. If the majority of the American people who are participating in these processes, either through caucuses or through primaries, have a majority of those votes going for either of the candidates, and if the super delegates intervene and get in the way of it and say, oh, no, we're going to determine what's best, there will be chaos at the convention. It does nothing to help the Democrats. And if you think 1968 was bad, you watch; in 2008, it will be worse."

Next, here's "Clinton surrogate" Antonio Villaraigosa:

Hillary Clinton "understands that we need to unite America"
"And I think that Hillary Clinton does that as well. I think she understands that we need to unite America, not just Democrats, Republicans and independents, black and white; every sector of the country.

Again, the rest of the transcript is here in PDF format.  I present it without further commentary, simply for your edification.  Enjoy.
