Published On: 2/11/2008 7:58:59 PM

I saw that very clever adage on a sign some VA Beacher carried into the massive Barrack Obama gathering in VA Beach. It says it all really!

Hillary backers want to talk about experience as if Mrs. Clinton has been a legislator for the last 35 years. She has not. What Hillary has done is work a career as a lawyer in concert with her husband's political ambitions. As Bill Clinton's star rose she was always his best asset. But she also benefited by being a corporate lawyer for WalMart as an example. Made a nice profit on a future's trade and perhaps some land deals .... no problem (I encourage everyone to make lots of money - really I do).

But what you get in the Clinton candidacy which some supporters have argued that it's a virtue .... is a person that's "CONNECTED". Knows the lobbyist ins and outs .... has a list of favors to ask and collect on.  You see it in the Clinton campaign ... a third of the major donors / fundraisers are reported to have been "Guests at the White House .... sleeping over in the Lincoln room".  So entrenched Washington Insiders the Clintons are .... maybe that's how things work, like it or not.

I for one REJECT such notions and consequently disfavor Hillary Clinton for being the consummate careerist politician.

Which leaves me to consider Barrack Obama, whom I've followed closely. Without boring the readers here at RK, one thing is crystal clear about the Obama candidacy .... you hear it all the time. Barrack Obama is INSPIRING.  No question about it. So like the good lady who raised the sign at the Virginia Beach rally .....

SKIP the DRAMA and VOTE for OBAMA!!!
