Quoting from the piece
"For eight long years, in extreme partisanship, George W. Bush has governed this country by dividing it," the senior Democrat from Wisconsin explained in an email sent to this reporter after we spoke about the race Thursday. "(Bush) has pursued disastrous foreign and domestic policies and has stubbornly refused to listen to anyone's views except those who march in lockstep with him. America desperately needs a new president who can reach across old barriers to form new alliances that can produce a new era of optimism and a healthier respect for the needs of others. I had originally supported John Edwards for President, but with his withdrawal I am voting for Barack Obama."
Pass it on, pass it on, the superdelegates are starting to break towards Barack Obama!
When we have more super delegates endorsing Obama than Clinton, then they will be 'breaking towards' him.
Anybody have a really solid count? How many super delegates are still on the sidelines?
My guess is that you will see individuals here and there endorse one candidate or the other, but the others are going to sit on the fence to figure out what way the wind is blowing. If I were a superdelegate, I would much prefer that a clear nominee emerge from the primaries. To the degree that this is possible given where things stand now, of course.
I'm glad that Obey is on board. He's a very influential guy.
Barack has been quietly picking up more than his fair share of superdelegates lately, but you are right that it is still a trickle. Hopefully that trickle will become a torrent after the next seven days or so.
Obama has a chance to sweep seven states (note: a chance, no certainty). Superdelegates are prone to vote the way their constituents vote, and by Tuesday night we'll have seven more states' worth of data.
DNC superdelegates might be a bit more independent, but elected officials who see that an overwhelming number of their constituents support a certain candidate might be well advised to take note and vote accordingly.
But Gregoire and Obey are BEFORE their states vote, as was Ben Nelson. And there are rumors floating that the two Dem congressmen in ME will announce for Obama. Again, that would be BEFORE their state votes, if it happens.
Drip, drip, drip . . . trickle, trickle, trickle . . .