"Let's Host A Debate"

By: Evan M
Published On: 2/6/2008 4:44:53 PM

Over at The Next Hurrah, emptypockets has a great idea. Why doesn't the blogosphere host a candidates' debate?
Instead of whetting our knives, why not invite Clinton and Obama to debate on the terms of the progressive blogosphere? The owners of the most-trafficked 3 or 4 sites can moderate. An outstanding list of questions was drafted last week by mcjoan over at dailykos in her What I want to know post. I'm sure we can think of other ways to bring a debate live on-line in a manner that hasn't been seen before. And, if Clinton is indeed accepting invitations from all comers, surely she will not embrace Fox and refuse us? - The Next Hurrah
What a fantastic idea. For Obama fans, this would be the perfect counteroffer from the Obama camp to Clinton's Fox debate suggestion.

A blogosphere debate between Clinton and Obama would be just the thing to energize their respective bases for the stretch run. It would also give Clinton an opportunity to potentially make inroads in a base strongly trending Obama, just like Obama has with many bases that had been strongly for Clinton. An online debate would further legitimize the blogosphere as an important player in the political process, and insure that our next president has at least seen a blog.

Let's host a debate!
